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What can this guide do for you? Your involvement in your child’s education can lead to better learning results and outcomes. This “Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide” will inform you, as a parent or caregiver, as you monitor your child’s progress as your child accesses and uses nology for learning. This guide aims to help all parents and caregivers, including those who have limited experience with digital tools, those who are expert with these tools, and anywhere in between. Each section starts with foundational pieces and builds from there.

Other than statutory and regulatory requirements included in the document, the contents of this guidance do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.

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What should my child know and how do I know if they have learned it? How can I be sure that my child is progressing and getting the help they need? How should my child use nology for learning, and what nology is needed for my child’s learning? What is the right balance of being online versus offline? How can my child stay connected with their friends and teachers? How can my child stay safe?

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Parents, educators, and researchers have asked these questions for years; they are even more relevant in light of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Is nology the answer to all of these questions? No, of course not. nology is a tool. nology, when used appropriately, can empower learning, engage and motivate students, and help make learning interactive. Students can benefit from educational nology because it can personalize instruction and adapt to their strengths and weaknesses. Today’s digital tools and resources support and enhance learning at home and in the classroom. In some cases, a student’s engagement with educational nology can help them develop communications and nical skills for their futures.

Digital tools (such as devices, apps, and platforms) can enable multiple places for your child to learn, help you and your child set clear and easy to understand learning goals, and track progress. These tools can also help facilitate communication between you, as your child’s primary educator, and your child’s other teachers, allowing you to work together toward ensuring success. To take full advantage of the potential of digital tools, your child will need access to a device and the internet (at home and at whatever school option you choose for your child). You are also responsible for guiding your child on how to use nology safely and appropriately. This guide provides resources to help you fulfill that responsibility. While having multiple options for access, devices, internet connectivity, and digital tools is the ideal, it is not the reality for everyone. This guide focuses on empowering you with information and resources to improve your child’s opportunity for successful and safe digital learning.

Resources For Effective Digital Learning Communication

The following sections explain three distinct benefits of digital learning. Digital learning can help meet the specific needs of your child, monitor your child’s academic progress, and connect you and your child with your school community and beyond.

Digital learning is used throughout this guide to refer to learning that leverages digital tools and resources, regardless of where it occurs.

Nology and digital tools can help your child learn in ways that work for your child. These tools can help change the way content is presented and how learning is assessed. They can make instruction personalized based on what will help your child learn.

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For decades, most American classrooms have taken a “one size fits all” approach to instruction, teaching to the average student and largely ignoring the uniqueness of each learner. Educational nology can move us toward meeting the needs of each student and providing support tailored to each student’s strengths and interests.

To personalize learning, the learning experiences and resources provided should be flexible and should adapt to and build on your child’s skills. You know your child best. Working with your child’s teachers to help them understand your child’s needs can contribute to their personalized learning. The sections below outline nology-based approaches that can help personalize your child’s education.

Digital tools can provide multiple ways to engage your child in personalized learning. Learners can be motivated to learn in different ways, and a wide variety of factors can influence learning engagement and effectiveness. These include:

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Effective digital tools can help accommodate your child’s needs and preferences. Here are five ways that nology can be used to customize learning:

Nology that your child with a disability may use, referred to as assistive nology, may include software and systems that translate text to speech or speech to text, closed captions, translation tools, and resources available in multiple media formats such as text, audio, and video. Some of this nology can present content in shortened or lengthened formats to accommodate students who have limited attention spans or other disability-related needs.

Under federal laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability, websites and apps used in schools must be accessible or, if necessary, schools must provide equally effective alternate access.

Beyond Disruption: Technology Enabled Learning Futures; 2020 Edition Of Mobile Learning Week, 12 14 October 2020

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Education has recognized this definition: “‘Accessible’ refers to information or nology that, at a minimum, affords a person with a disability the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same programs and activities as a person without a disability in an equally effective and equally integrated manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use.”

Federal law also requires schools to provide support services for English learners: “Parents or guardians may choose for their child to receive services to learn English if their child is identified as needing these services. School districts and schools are required by federal law to provide these services. Schools must ensure meaningful communication with English learners.”

Parent And Family Digital Learning Guide - Digital Art Educational Games Workshop Pdf 2020

Additionally, your child may differ in the ways that they can best demonstrate what they know. Your child may be able to express themselves well in written text but struggle with speech, or vice versa. Children may be able to show what they have learned through illustration better than following conventions of text on pages and margins. With the right tools and appropriate accommodations throughout the learning process, all students can have multiple means of accessing content and demonstrating content mastery.

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Your child’s personalized learning approach may also need to be addressed in your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).6 The requirements for an IEP for eligible children with disabilities are contained in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and those same requirements do not apply to students who do not have a documented disability.

Your child masters content and develops skills at their own pace. Many children learn effectively when the support they receive is customized for each new skill. In a competency-based system, your child can be empowered to learn skills in a personalized manner and to take responsibility for and make more decisions in their own learning. As a result, your child may be more engaged and successful in their learning.

What is it? Competency-based learning (also known as performance-based, mastery-based, or proficiency-based education) is an approach in which the parent and teacher builds a structure around the difference in pace of each student. The learning is set up to help ensure that students progress after showing mastery of the skills and competencies. For example, rather than allowing only one week for all students to learn two-digit addition before moving on to a new topic, the expectation is that each student will be able to solve two-digit math problems using addition, and that they can work at their needed pace to demonstrate mastery.

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In this approach, the learning environment supports the strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities of each student who learns in different ways and at different paces. While each student is tracking their own progress, they are not alone in their learning. Students can work with their parents, peers and get support from members of their learning community. nology can help parents and teachers provide the variety of support that each student will need to progress and help students know when they have gained a specific competency.

Beyond Disruption: Technology Enabled Learning Futures; 2020 Edition Of Mobile Learning Week, 12 14 October 2020 - Digital Art Educational Games Workshop Pdf 2020

Why do some find competency-based learning beneficial? Competency-based approaches and systems value flexible learning environments where learning may happen at different times and in different spaces. The development of new skills can be independent of location, and students have the ability to pause or move ahead with their learning as needed.

Using digital learning resources provides new opportunities for your family to develop a strong partnership with your school or education provider. nology can help you and your child stay connected to your local community, your child’s school and teachers, and other parents and children.

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In a national survey of parents related to COVID-19, the top concern for parents during school closures is that their child is missing important social interactions at school and with friends.

Schools provide counseling services and community spaces and can play a pivotal role in the social development and mental well-being of your


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